As I sit in the lovely San Diego Cafe Gratitude (plant-based and amazing!), I’m beginning to realize the challenges of my transition from the most serene, nutritionally integrative week of my life to the sharp, contrasting tempo of our culture. From the high decibel of the excited story-teller next to me to the lack of medical cleanliness of the public restrooms, I’m certainly noticing the effect far more than I previously would have expected.
The last five days has been spent in salt-water pools, consuming nourishing, well-balanced meals, and discovering approaches to illness that work and allow individuals to hop in the driver’s seat of their own healthcare.
As we downed our delectable, chef-created dinners, anticipation hovered for next day’s schedule. Our mornings began with lemon water and wheatgrass shots (you’d be surprised how used to those you get!), followed by either meditation or fitness classes. We were given inclusive spa treatments, educational lectures, and blood tests. Everything was optional, but I couldn’t help but pack it all in! I was never
hungry, all abdominal discomforts from my normal diet completely dissipated, and my psoriasis has cleared up substantially. Of course, there was the running joke of, “NEED COFFEE!” but ultimately I’m grateful it wasn’t available, as I’ve noticed a shift in my health from that alone.
The value of this trip far surpasses monetary means. Seeing people reverse cancer, Lyme disease, and diabetes (just to name a few) is a bittersweet experience. Knowing how many people, in my life alone, could have benefited from these treatments had they every been educated on alternative care options, or had insurance that would cover such treatments, is heartbreaking.
Less than one week, submerged in a healthy, zero-toxin environment, has been the perfect shift in my habits. To have an opportunity to feel as incredible as I do now has been a real eye-opener for me and my health-coaching ventures. For my personal path, I’m choosing to remain on this healthy train for a minimum of three months, then slowly re-introduce some of my favorite questionable belly-achers.

Coconut-Cocoa Dessert
If you’re interested in re-shaping your nutritional habits, self-care, and self-awareness, I very much encourage a trip of this nature. And if you know anyone struggling with their health, PLEASE email for more information. This could very well save his/her life.